Znak (The sign)
journal of Ukrainian Heraldry Society

Ukrainian Heraldry Society – a research organization that deals with the study, promotion and development of heraldry, vexillology and related historical subjects – was founded July 9, 1990 in Lviv. First Society united researchers from Lviv and neighboring areas, but gradually expanded its activities to all regions of Ukraine and in 1993 it was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as a Ukrainian public organization. Today it join together leading experts in the field of heraldry, vexillology, sigillography, emblems, uniformistic, genealogy and family trees.
UHT main purpose is to promote the revival and development of ukrainian heraldry science and related disciplines and estabishing of united emblematic system of Ukraine. It achieved by conducting scientific research, study and popularization of heraldic heritage, development of modern Ukrainian Heraldry in certain sectors and types, advising local governments and various organizations.
UHT members are more than 300 people – largely, historians, archivists, museum workers, artists, architects and others who are interested in the activities of the organization. Over the years members of the Society accomplished a search in archives and museums, met a lot of practical work, in particular – worked out the final picture of the Small State Emblem of Ukraine, restore old or developed new emblems and flags or provided advices on these and other issues for many regions, districts and over 500 towns and villages of our country, various organizations and institutions.
Together with the Ukrainian Institute of Archeology and Source named by M.Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Central State Historical Archives in Lviv during 1991-2003 was conducted 12 annual scientific conference of heraldry. Actively developing cooperation with foreign researchers, discuss scientific issues, exchange of experience, elaborate plans for further work. In 1994 was exhibited in Ukraine in cooperation with Slovak family-heraldic Society exhibit "From the contemporary Slovak heraldic art" (Lviv, Lutsk, Mukachevo, Uzhgorod and Kyiv). Since 1995 Ukrainian Heraldry Society became a member of two associations – the International Federation of Vexillology Associations (FIAV) and the International Confederation of Genealogy and Heraldry (CIGH). This succeeded in establishing an active information exchange and cooperation with many foreign vexillologic, heraldic and genealogical organizations.
UHT issued and prepared manuscripts for publication, a number of other scientific and popular publications, collections of conference proceedings. Society publishes since 1993 a newsletter "Znak", which publishes a variety of materials with heraldry and other disciplines.
Andrew Hrechylo, chairman of UHT, Senior Fellow of the Institute of Archeology and Source Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of Historical Sciences