Ambrose Metlynsky
Metlynsky Ambrose Lukyanovich (1814 – 17 (29) Jul 1870) – Ukrainian poet, folklorist, publisher.

Born in the village (now – Hadiach district, Poltava region) in a family of small landowners. He studied at Hadiach district school and high school; in 1835 graduated from Kharkov University, where remained to work. In 1843 – 1849 and 1854 – 1858 – professor of Kharkov University, in 1849 – 1854 – professor of Kiev University, but as a teacher and scholar, he did not gain fame.
In Kharkov University met I. Sreznevsky and entered his circle, began to write poetry. In 1839 under the name Ambrose Mogyla (Tomb) was published basic collection of his poems – "Thoughts and songs and something else."
Metlynsky maintained close relations with the Czech poet F. Chelakovsky, translated his poems into Ukrainian. Chelakovsky translated three poems by Metlynsky ("Hetman", "Child fatherless", "Cossack's death") and published them in the journal «Časopis českeho Museum», 1842, vol. 3.
In 1848 Metlynsky published five issues of "South Russian collection", where published own works and works of other Ukrainian writers. In 1852 he published "Tales and bywords" by L. Borovykovsky and in 1854 – a collection of "People’s south-russian songs."
His work has been positively assessed Mykola Kostomarov – his Kharkiv friend.
M. Zh., 15 January 2016