Antin Mogylnycky
Mogylnycky Anton S. (Mar 03, 1811 – Sep 13, 1873) – Ukrainian writer and public figure. Sometimes he referred to as Lubich-Mogylnycky; should know that Lubich – the name of the stamp fraternity to which he belonged as a gentleman.

Born in the village (now – as part of the town Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region) in the family priest. He studied in various secondary schools, then – in the Lviv Theological Seminary (graduated in 1840). In 1841 was ordained a priest, he served in several villages in Galicia, the longest – in the village (1859 – 1873).
His literary career began in 1838; the most creative activity showed in 1848 – 1850. In 1852 in Przemysl was published the first part of his poem "Skit Manyavsky."
In 1861 – 1866 he was the deputy of the Galician Sejm (Regional Council) of Bohorodchany-Solotvyna District and Viennese parliament. At this time he stopped his literary career.
M. Zh., Jan 19, 2016.