News 2006
30.12.2006 The great Christmas Story!
In the new, in 2007 we have prepared a nice gift to our users: a new installation Myslene drevo version 2.5 program.
Why the new installation. 1). We noticed that most users of our program have humanitarian education and are not large computer professionals. The process of installation of file can cause certain complications associated with unpacking of archives and following negotiations with the setup program in English. 2). The old installation was designed for transfer to the diskette (4 diskettes of 1.44 MB). Now this media is thing of the past.
What's new in the new installation. 1). Installation in one touch. One will run the file md25inst.exe and in response to one question in Ukrainian – agree on the installation. 2). Installation specially optimized for distribution via Web (as a program file). 3). Reduced size of the new installation in 3 (three) times – up to 1.3 Mb instead of 4.5 Mb (to do this we have removed two large examples and left only three small examples of databases).
Should I download a new installation.
If you already have Myslene drevo version 2.5 program installed on your computer – new download is not necessary, because the new installation only facilitates the installation program, but its functionality remained the same by that.
If you already have installed on your computer Myslene drevo program of previous versions (version number displayed on splach screen when you start) – recommend that you download a new installation, then uninstall the old version and install new.
If you do not have installed on your computer Myslene drevo program – download, install, enjoy.
Download a new installation (md25inst.exe, 1.3 MB) now.
Check recommendations for installation.
23.12.2006 The new article in "Archeometry"
New article on web almanac "Archeometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage" – "New books on the national heritage".
16.12.2006 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted dramatic scene by Lesja Ukrainka "Farewell".
9.12.2006 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted drama by Lesja Ukrainka "Blue Rose" (and its Russian self-translation).
6.12.2006 Congratulations!
Myslene drevo team congratulates itself and all readers of the site with success: during November 2006, our website consistently had 1 000 (one thousand) visits per day.
2.12.2006 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Published poems by Lesja Ukrainka (12 pieces).
17.11.2006 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Published rhymes by Lesja Ukrainka (263 pieces). Please note that a number of poems (including such fundamentally important, asContra spem spero") have different author's versions. To see them, use the block "versions of the text" posted after the main text.11.11.2006 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
The new disc is presented monograph by Dr. Victor Klochko "Arms and war art of the ancient population of Ukraine", covering the period from the Neolithic to the Iron Age (5000 – 700 BC).
More info…
4.11.2006 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
The new CD contains catalog of the exhibition "Contemporary jewelry of Ukraine". Product made in the form of a Myslene drevo database. The disc came as a result of cooperation of the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine, which held an exhibition and Myslene drevo team. This is the third disc, which is born as a result of such cooperation:
"My soul magnifies the Lord: exhibition Catalog
Large mounds of Scythian Archaic period in Kiev
New! "Contemporary jewelry of Ukraine: exhibition Catalog
In various stages of development are still four our discs. Watch for news of our site.
28.10.2006 The new project of Myslene drevo

Our website has a new project – online version of the encyclopedia "Life and work of Lesia Ukrainka". So far, the project published in pilot. Gallery – the only part of the project so that you can use fully now.
21.10.2006 The new article in the work "European sources 16 – 17 centuries on Crimean Tatars"
Published article "Additional paragraphs on M. Bronevsky", which contains criticism of the wrong views on the subject.
7.10.2006 The new book on the Myslene drevo bookshelf
Published monograph by Dr. V.I.Klochko "Arms and war art of the ancient population of Ukraine".
More info…
2.09.2006 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
The new disc contain study by ukrainian archaeologists Ivan Chernyakov and Valentina Ryabova "Scalps in the Scythian gold". This is e-book in Myslene drevo format.
More info…
3.08.2006 The new book on the Myslene drevo bookshelf
Put into production the second volume of Collected Works "Black sea coast, Crimea, Rus in the history and culture", which contains short messages by participants of 3-th Sudak International Scientific Conference. The conference held 18 – 21 September 2006 in Sudak at the Museum "Sudak Fortress" – the branch of the National Reserve "Sophia of Kyiv".
More info…
29.07.2006 The new article in the "Studies"
New article by Alexander Kirilyuk, "Universal and cultural aspects of some Greek antiquities".
15.07.2006 The new article in the "Studies"
New article by Alexander Kirilyuk, "Man of motley as animal totem, the king, a servant and sacrifice".
17.06.2006 The new monograph in the "Studies"
Posted the full text of the monograph "Theory of closed system" by Vyacheslav Melnikov.
12.05.2006 The new article in Myslene drevo 3 documentation
New article "Trojan trail".
8.05.2006 The new article in Myslene drevo 3 documentation
New article "Settings dialog".
4.05.2006 The new article in Myslene drevo 3 documentation
New article "Safe mode".
1.05.2006 The new article in Myslene drevo 3 documentation
New article "Multiwindow mode of MD 3".
23.04.2006 The new article in Myslene drevo 3 documentation
New article "Keyboard shortcuts".
15.04.2006 The new article in the "Studies"
New article by Alexander Kirilyuk "Smile of insufficiency and disgust".
8.04.2006 The new section of the site
The site introduced a new section – "Myslene drevo 3 documentation". Here you can see the process of developing our new program, learn about its features and internal structure.
3.04.2006 The new book on the Myslene drevo bookshelf
Published the second volume of "Sugdea collection", which contains articles by participants of 2-th Sudak International Scientific Conference. Conference held 14 – 16 September 2004 in Sudak at the Museum "Sudak Fortress" – the branch of the National Reserve "Sophia of Kyiv". Recall that the first conference held in 2002, tradition here is as follows: before the conference comes a collection of short messages, and after it – a collection of works of great volume. Thus, this is the fourth book, born Conference:
"Sugdea, Surozh, Soldaia, 2002
"Sugdea collection", volume 1, 2004
"Black sea coast, Crimea, Rus in the history and culture", 2004
New! "Sugdea collection", volume 2, 2006
28.03.2006 The appearance of the site updated
Changes made on the following:
1. Rather spartan title page (weighing 6 kb) inserted a new luxurious image page up 180 kilobytes. Look necessarily!
2. Introduced a new section of the site – Programs.
3. Introduced a new menu structure, which is now based on JavaScript. Improved visual presentation of the menu.
4. Though our site looks best in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 +, we finally achieved that flighty Opera shows it more or less decent.
5. Added summary in english, with a tree of documents.
11.03.2006 The new article in "Archeometry"
New article on web almanac "Archeometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage" – "What is a complex object of cultural heritage".
5.03.2006 The new program by Myslene drevo team
Our new little program called "Converter of historical numerical systems". It provides 6 lines converting numbers between historical (Cyrillic, Roman) and modern (Arabic) numeric system. The program is intended for philologists, historians, experts in humanities disciplines. The program is designed for any level of knowledge – from student to professor.
Download file distribution now.
18.02.2006 The new article in the "Studies"
New article by Alexander Kirilyuk, "The essence of poetry and language of life. Martin Heidegger and Maximilian Voloshin".
11.02.2006 The new CD autorunner
The old shell MDShell, which was developed in 2001, somewhat outdated. And we have written on the basis of a new shell – MDShell2 – visually attractive, and perhaps even easier than the old. Now our CDs will start a new shell.
4.02.2006 The updating of digital collection of photographs
A collection of photographs of Nicholas Zharkikh now completely digitized. Digitization was launched November 6, 1998 and ended February 2, 2006. The collection is divided into three parts:
Negatives includes 49,805 black and white negatives (captured in 1968 – 1997) and 1199 color negatives (captured in 2000 – 2004). The collection they presented as positive.
Slides contains 1444 color slides (captured in 1977 – 1995).
Digital photos contains 1896 digital photos (captured in 2004 – 2006). This section of the collection will grow in the future.
However, the collection contains 54,344 photos.
Full catalog of the collection is in process of elaboration and will later be presented as Myslene drevo database on CD. This complete catalog replace disk "Architecture of Ukraine in the photos of Nicholas Zharkikh", which is available now.
More info…
14.01.2006 The new article in "Archeometry"
New article on web almanac "Archeometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage" – "The historical fate, current status and future of the Sangushko palace complex in Izyaslav".
7.01.2006 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
New CD-ROM contains materials of excavation of large mound Scythian Archaic period (7 – 6 century BC.) near Ivankovychi village in Kyiv region. The disc was released jointly by staff of the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine and the Myslene drevo team.
More info…
1.01.2006 The annual report on the site work
In 2005 our website was visited by 150 thousand users.