2. History of Kyiv Islands and floodplain tracts Parnikoza I.Yu. 2.1. Periodization 2.2. Period of oldest history (20.000 – 900) 2.3. Period of ancient Rus (Х ct. AD. – 1240) 2.4.Ukraine formation period (from 1240 to first half of XIX century.) 2.5. Period of advanced capitalism, middle XIX ct. -1917 2.6. Floodplain of the Dnieper in Kyiv during the first liberation struggle of 1917-1921 2.7. Floodplain of the Dnieper in Kyiv interwar 1921-1941 2.8. Dnieper Floodplain in Kyiv during the Soviet-German war of 1941-43. 2.9. The floodplain of the Dnipro River in Kyiv in 1943-1990 2.10. The floodplain of the Dnieper in Kyiv after 1991