Cultural heritage of Kyiv

The collection provides an overview of the Kiev scientific center for the protection, restoration and use of historical, cultural and protected areas, habitats and historical study of individual sites, the analysis of natural landscapes, architectural and urban environment features of Kyiv, the methods of computer base of State data registry of national cultural heritage.
Editorial board
Afanasyeva Lyudmila Ivanovna, deputy head of the Kiev section of Ukrainian Society of Historical and Cultural Monuments
Kukharenko Ruslan – the head of the cultural heritage protection and restoration and recovery work
Malakov Dmitri V., Deputy Director of the Museum of History of Kyiv
Prybeha Leonid Vladimirovich, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, President of the Ukrainian Committee ISOMOS, rector of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts (Chairman of Editorial Board)
Skibitska Tatiana, deputy director of the Kiev scientific-methodical center on protection, restoration and use of history, culture in protected areas (Secretary of the Editorial Board)
Tishchenko Alexander, Ph.D. in art history, a leading researcher of the architectural and urban planning of the State Research Institute of the theory, history, architecture and urban planning (DNDITIAM)
Bibliographic description of the hard copy edition : Культурна спадщина Києва: дослідження та охорона історичного середовища. – К. : АртЕк, 2003 р. – 136 с.
Irina Tarutinova Kyiv attractions in figures
Ilya Melnikov, Tatyana Bogdanova State History architectural reserve "Ancient Kyiv" – experience and prospects
Ludmila Tomilovych Department of protected archaeological territories
Irina Abramova New approach to accounting monuments in Kiev (from experience)
Eugene Vodzynskyy City planning heritage of Kyiv
Ruslan Kukharenko Architecture and landscape group of the Dnipro right bank as heritage object
Victor Vecherskyy Architectural foundations of Ivan Mazepa
Irina Ivanenko, Amelia Shamraeva Territory Mariinsky Palace in Kiev in the period of restoration 1979-1982.
Elena Serdyuk, Roman Huculak, Yuri Korenyuk, Svetlana Sklyar Scientific research and urgent conservation works on the Church of the Saviour at Berestovo
Lyudmila Ponomareva A new reconstruction of the Golden Gate
Valeria Iyevleva The problem of historical industrial and engineering structures of Kyiv
Maria Kadomska With small plots of the City
Timur Bobrowski, Elena Vorontsov Middle-ages monks leather goods with embossed images
Olga Melnyk Unknown page on the history of economic education of 1920th
Ludmila Tomilovych Yurkovytsya. History of chronicles locations
Helen Mokrousova Cement Hreschatik or Life on the facades
Marina Vinogradova House of Andrew Melensky in Kyiv
Olga Zlyvkova Kyiv cycle track. Hope for the best