2nd quarter 2009
30.06.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Posted two photos: the last picture Gerasim Sokolenko (Germany, 1944 year); Olga Lubska, Nicholas M. Arcas, Leonid Poltava, Galina Cruz. United States, 1979 year.
28.06.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer:
Dudkin V.P., Videyko M.U. Architecture of the Tripillja civilization |
Dominant historians of Ukraine: encyclopedical bibliographic guide |
26.06.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, reflections on the essence of human existence: Initially the universe, primordial stars…", "The sun warms us, and our stars shine…", "Balzac and Morua", "World", "Common truth.
24.06.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
22.06.2009The new on Sergei Bilokin site
Published review M. Rozhenko "Repressed Ukraine 1917-1941 years. It discusses the book S. Bilokin "Mass terror as a means of state governance in the USSR".
20.06.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published two poems:You still remember…", "On the slopes of the mountains sway herbs….
18.06.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, reflections on the essence of human existence: Somewhere along with us and astral distance…", "Life and death", "Submit, the heart of the mysteries of life…", "Suffering the way through fires of war…", "Every day Air filled with mourning….
16.06.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer:
Suleimanov V.M., Katsadze T.L. Electrical networks and systems (ukrainian and Russian languages) |
Lviv: encyclopedical bibliographic guide |
14.06.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
12.06.2009 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
The next disc in the series "Ukraine 13 – 18 centuries" devoted to ancient ukrainian literature.
Database of poetry, drama, theater, literature on the ukrainian baroque, bkrainian writers contains about 6414 documents, 91.2 author leafs of text.
More info…
10.06.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Posted two photos of friends of the poet: Luba Mjach and Lyuda Lutsik. Germany, 1943; Peter Rotach. Germany. 1944.
8.06.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, reflections on the essence of human existence: For what we suffer in the world?", "Astrologers predict disasters…", "Do ants have heart? ..", "Information billow", "Says humanist: a man – a sovereign….
6.06.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
4.06.2009 The new article in the "Studies"
Published article "History of the architecture heritage accounting in Ukraine.
2.06.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer a new book by George Moharychov "Cave towns of Tavrika".
The book is dedicated to the well-known among tourists, but still insufficiently studied medieval monuments of the Crimea, the so-called cave-towns. This is Bakla, Chufut Kale, Assumption Monastery near Bakhchisarai (some attention paid to Bakhchisaray itself), Tepe-Kermen, Kyzyl-Kermen, Kacha-kalon, Suren fortress, Chylter-Coba, Mangup, Eski-Kermen, Chylter-Marmara, Shuldan, Inkerman.
The monuments shown in the context of medieval history of the Crimea, and the reader gets the full information on each object. The first provides historical information about the village, and then describes the most interesting and important objects. The book contains 447 graphic photos and illustrations.
The book is available for online downloading (payment via SMS).
30.05.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published two poems: Anthem young poets", "Someone threw a stone from the oak….
28.05.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Sofia Malylo lively interest in the appointment of people in the world and the essence of human existence. Today we offer readers first five poems on this theme is not everyday: Where to go?", "Here – Pithecanthropus there – Neanderthal…", "We have so much to Mother Earth…", "And hugger and interpreted so man…", "Being human nature is imperfect….
26.05.2009 The new article by Sergei Bilokin
Published article "Memoirs of Daniel Scherbakivski on George Narbut".
24.05.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer «BizLex» – Practical English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English Dictionary of Economics, prepared by Les Gerasimchuk.
The dictionary contains 9685 base words + 22150 additional phrase is specific for use in economics and business. Dictionary will be useful as translators and linguists, and the general public.
Dictionary is available for online downloading (payment via SMS).
22.05.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
20.05.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published photographs of places that recall our poet: "9-and barrack" in Zaslav, place of detention designated for sending to Germany; Current House Education in Zaslav used by Germans as the work government.
18.05.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer:
Pohylevych L.I. Stories on towns and villages of Kiev province |
M.Hrushevsky: encyclopedical bibliographic guide |
16.05.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, devoted to the religious feelings: O Lord, give my soul…", "Body and soul", "Praise Thee, O God…", "We are with you, soul on Earth…", "Prayer, hymn.
14.05.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
12.05.2009 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
The next disc in the series "Ukraine 13 – 18 centuries" devoted to the Lviv city.
Now, not everyone remembers that the Lviv for a long time was the largest city in Ukraine. In 16 – 1 half 17 centuries Lviv manufacture was the best, Lviv trade – the most successful, Lviv architecture – the most solemn throughout Ukraine. Lviv art was a model for others, Lviv typography, Lviv school, Lviv literature were leading for the ukrainian people. Lviv government was the most sophisticated, complex and confusing – because there were four national communities, each with its privileges.
Database on the Lviv history, culture and attractions the city has 2981 documents, 36.5 author leafs of text. Many of the materials written in Polish.
More info…
10.05.2009 The new article by Sergei Bilokin
Published article "Vladimir Miyakovsky (1888-1972)".
8.05.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer:
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6.05.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published two poems:Someone stroke grass in a meadow…", "Farewell.
4.05.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, devoted to the religious feelings:Christmas", "Great mystery", "Divine", "Planet People", "In the soul – emotion, nostalgia and excitement….
2.05.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer two editions on the philology:
30.04.2009 The new article by Igor Hyrych
Published article "Jaroslav Dashkevich – historiographer of modern Ukraine, which describes the life and works of our famous contemporaries.
28.04.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
26.04.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published photographs: a portrait of Ulas Samchuk, Rivne, 1941; portrait of Gerasim Sokolenko.
24.04.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Sofia Malylo – the religious poetess! Today we offer readers five verses, devoted to the religious feelings:Spirit", "Humanity", "Bells", "Bible", "In the Lord's house.
22.04.2009 The new Myslene drevo CD edition
Monograph of Russian scientists Igor and Herman Todorov "Stress, aging and their biochemical correction" contains a description and analysis of biological effects of stress and aging and synthesis of modern scientific achievements in the search ways to slow aging and reduce the intensity of stress and age-related diseases.
The book contains adopted by world science practical recommendations for correction of biochemical stress and aging. It will be interesting for people who find exit from stressful situations, and for professionals who seek their help in this.
More info…
20.04.2009 The new article by Sergei Bilokin
Published article "Ethnographer and Baturin patriot – Vasily Riznychenko".
18.04.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer two russian-ukrainian terminology dictionaries:
16.04.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
14.04.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published two poems: When Strauss waltz in the garden…", "Mother party.
12.04.2009 The new rhymes of Sofia Malylo
Today we offer readers five verses, devoted to our glorious past: Ukraine", "Hear us, world communities…", "Wally word", "Native language, it is my soul…", "By day the librarian.
10.04.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer two editions: a description of churches of Kiev in 1865 and one book in the series "Ukraine 13 – 18 centuries."
8.04.2009 The new article in the "Studies"
Published article "Schematical map of the Ostrog parish as of 1654".
6.04.2009 The new about Lesja Ukrainka
Posted next 10 songs from Kolodyazhne collection of the folk songs recorded by Lesja Ukrainka in 1891.
5.04.2009 The new editions with electronic delivery
Visit our online shop. Today we offer two editions of the series "Ukraine 13 – 18 centuries."
4.04.2009 The new about Gerasim Sokolenko
Published photos: Field near "Oblogy" forest, where in 1991 revealed unknown graves; Autograph of Gerasim Sokolenko poem. 1942.
1.04.2009 The two hundred years since the birth of Nikolai Gogol
On this occasion we publish an article by Sergei Bilokin "Always old-fashioned classic Nikolai Gogol".