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Description of birds of Dnieper valley in Kyiv

Parnikoza I.Yu.

From the beginning of the Dnieper Biological Station, systematic ornithological research began to be conducted on the Kyiv floodplain of the Dnieper. One of the first information about the avifauna of the Dnieper Valley can be found in the works of E. (M) V. Charlemagne (1909, 1913, 1930, 1933) – «Essay on Trukhanov (Alexeevsky) Island» by E. (M) V. Charlemagne (see Appendix). Although in the postwar years the avifauna of this region has never been the subject of a separate study, but information about it can be found in a number of scientific publications (Vladyshevsky, 1969; Kostyushin, 1994, 1995; Loparev, Gavris et al., 2003; Atamas, Kukshin, 2010). Below is a brief information about the avifauna of the study area with reference to the source.