Nature of Lysa Hora in Kyiv
Parnikoza I.Yu.
Lysa Gora (Bold Hill) Fort in Kyiv is a unique object for Kyiv, which combines a valuable fortification object and great natural value. Note that fortifications that are obsolete and no longer perform their function often become habitats for rare species of flora and fauna. In particular, abandoned fortifications in Poznań and Gdańsk in Poland are wintering grounds for rare bats (, ). In particular, the large and watery nightingales spend the winter in Gdansk. In the air storage in Oliva – ecological use "Olive bats" winter Myotis myotis, Myotis daubentonii, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus. At the same time, overgrown with meadow steppe (xerothermal groups or forest-steppe vegetation), the slopes of fortifications serve as a place for the spread of rare insects. An example, in particular, is the ecological reserve of "Lunette with a grasshopper." This object in Gdańsk occupies a fragment of the lunette of Senaromont of the 18th century with trees and shrubs, as well as herbaceous vegetation.This area is a place of distribution of rich biodiversity.This includes insects.There is also a grasshopper Leptophyes punctatissima. This is its second place of discovery in Poland. sThe first is another fortification object – Poznan Citadel () However, in comparison with the above-described objects, Lysa Hora (Bold Hill) in Kyiv is an object with much more diverse flora, flora and fauna that need protection. Let's get acquainted with them in separate sections of this section