2.3.5. Gallery of ancient Rus period Parnikoza I.Yu. [1] 3 4 (5) 6 Remains production slate whorls Писанка, розкопки на території Подолу, Спаська, 35 Production of glass from Podil Бурштин та вироби з нього Wood artefacts, Podil Wood artefacts, Podil Wood shovel, Podil Wood artefacts, Podil Wood artefact, Podil Wood artefacts, Podil Wood artefacts, Podil Wooden whorl, Podil Ceramics of Podil X-XIII century Evolution of the crown of kitchen pots Ceramics of the Kyiv ancient Podil, IX-X centuries Ceramics of the Kyiv ancient Podil Types of stamps on kitchen pots Types of stamps on kitchen pots, X-XIII. Ancient pottery IX-XII centuries Ancient pottery IX-XII centuries Byzantine pots and amphoras X-XIII century Korchaga XIII century. Ранньосередньовічна руська печатка Signets from Podil Rus money – grywny, Podil Byzantine coin from excavations on Zytni market Dialing jewelry forms Crucibles for melting of copper and bronze Iron objects Podil and Upper City XI-XIII. Amber production [1] 3 4 (5) 6