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We build the ukrainian Ukraine!


Sacral Ukraine

Smityukh G.E., Strilecky V.V.

Bibliographic description of the hard copy edition: Smityukh G.E., Strilecky V.V. Sacral Ukraine: Past, Present, Future. – Kyiv: Knowledge of Ukraine, 2006 – 36 p.

In the brochure gives a definition and description of the archetype of the "Ukraine", examines its impact on the history of the Ukrainian ethnos and complex processes occurring today in the economic, political and mental sphere of our society.

Special attention deserves the reader an overview of prophecy presented concerning the distant future of Ukraine.

Designed for teachers, students, activists and political education and educational organizations.

For all Ukrainian – and dead and alive, and unborn lovingly dedicated.

"… You – chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people to bequeath the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light…"

(I Pet., 2: 9-10).


Archetype "Ukraine"

Sacral lessons of our history

Ways to Ukrainian economic miracle

Features of national political pluralism

The current religious situation in Ukraine as a mirror of ideological vacuum

Ukrainian mentality

The contours of the Ukrainian national idea

Ukraine's Future: Review of prophecy


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