2.8. Health
V. I. Melnikov
The concept of health in its essence and mechanism of implementation in many aspects is analogous with that of happiness, but in this case different systems of a human are involved. First of all, these are physiological systems, although undoubtedly nervous and mental systems participate as well. Correspondingly, the ways and forms of environmental effect upon these systems are changing.
The concept of health is usually related to perfect condition, mood, good functioning of all organs and systems, cheerfulness, optimism and so on. As the sources of health one usually takes natural data, healthy way of life, the lack of extreme stresses, favorable environment, reasonable (or optimal, harmonious) combination of all natural and artificial factors. Any of the mentioned sources, in its turn, is composed of numerous components, often uncertain, seemed to be individual, obvious or scientifically grounded on cell or molecular levels. It is a matter of common knowledge, that all these factors affect the state of health. Due to numerous number and variety of these factors, their complete account and individual application are not feasible and therewith, each of them and their combinations are of considerable difficulties both for research and implementation.
One of the ways of determining the harmonic combination of the above factors is the establishing their common integral characteristics, determination of the common criterion of their selection with respect to composition and size.
Analysis of the above complex of reasons and records of medical statistics has established that currently the most common were cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, malignant tumors, digestive tract disease, nervous and mental illness.
It is universally recognized, that the common cause of the above diseases is a person’s dramatic change (violation) of habitual, natural, environment. Hence, prophylaxis of illnesses and keeping a health up can be attained by preserving a traditional, natural environment of a human being.
In its turn, conservation of former environment means conservation (i.e., permanency) of traditional forms (in number and quality) of interaction between an organism and an environment, in this case first of all, its physiological systems. Thus, health is result of preserving a moving (interactive) balance between the corresponding systems (a biological system) and environmental factors interacting with them (with it). Therewith, this balance is considered in the entire space of interacting factors including metabolism, energy and information, field impact, temperature and others. This balance suggests the relative constancy of a human and environment states. Since one can assume, that a human organism was formed in a certain averaged former environment, then a balance condition means its stability in time.
In other words, for a person to be healthy, he cannot drastically and essentially change the environment. Intensity of environmental change cannot exceed adaptation capabilities of organism.
However, whether we want it or not, but with appearance and development of civilization the environment is inevitably changing. Hence, to keep fit a man must artificially retard this environmental variation since his own change would turn into disease. This is the most general statement of the matter and its schematic solution.
However, the efficiency of practical implementation depends on determination of real parameters of that averaged system in which a man was formed and fit with in terms of health.
Here, in my opinion, there can be three criteria.
The first criterion is determined by the nature itself and based on application of entire system of natural sensors of organism, i.e., organs of sense, intuition, instincts and so on. The limitation of this criterion is its orientation to narrow historically formed range of conditions (temperature, light, pressure, mechanical, olfactory gustatory, tactual and other actions, standard situations and objects, etc.),i.e., they are intended for narrow, selected, active set of affecting factors and components of environment, but do not “work” in other conditions with different factors. These sensors provide us with good information about cold and heat, something spicy and bitter, beautiful and ugly, etc., but say nothing about radiation level, alcohol and drugs harm, long term harm of spicy, fat, fried, animal food and other.
The second criterion is the structure and functions of the organism itself, its systems and organs. This criterion is of especial importance in considering long-term factors. According to TCS, each organism and its each organ is the result (product) of “activity” of all previous environments and, in its essence, represents a part of these environments, but as if with an opposite sign.
Thus, in a structure and functions of any organism “is recorded” a certain former environment averaged in time (we call it a correspondence environment). It can serve as an information source about correspondence environment, namely, the environment for us to be oriented on while selecting ways and facilities of “retarding” the variation of modern environment.
For, example, analyzing the structure of teeth and gastrointestinal tract one can uniquely draw the conclusion, that food produced by a correspondence environment was vegetable, in particular, fruit. Hence, animal food is foreign and waiting for health and eating it is not worthy.
The other example, each muscle and element of musculoskeletal system bear the information about the necessary kinematic and dynamical loads of correspondence environment. In the long run, by generalizing one can state, that it is the presence of one or the other organ that speaks about the presence in the correspondence environment of certain factors that once formed this organ. Thereby the conclusion: each organ and system of a human being (and not only a human being) from the point of health must work in their mode.
We can mention more smeared purely historical the third criterion of “recognition” of the correspondence system, based on data of history, archeology and paleontology. However, in this case it is more difficult to establish the degree of influence of one or the other moment or time interval and its role in the correspondence environment. The maximal effect could be in sharing all enumerated criteria.
All this is certainly unbounded theme for the future investigation, but for the basic forms of correspondence environment “deformation” in conditions of modern civilization one can draw some conclusions right now.
1. Nutrition. Traditional vegetable food grown in natural conditions, mainly raw, of one type for one meal and different types as a whole, taken in frequently but small portions in natural taste range with natural starvations over illness periods and gradual coming out in the course of recovery (in correspondence environment nutrition without moving as a disease effect was impossible). Psychological mood is of importance for the process of taking food.
2. Motion. Regular anatomically and physiologically dosed load on all element of musculoskeletal system, any stagnation is a disease.
3. Nervous and mental loads. Natural, historically formed range of types and amplitudes of external actions on nervous and mental system. The constant lack of loads and overloads mean drastic change of environment and disease as a result.
4. Tectile actions (taction). Regular, dosed and localized over external surface of a body mechanical actions of various form as well as temperature actions (compensation of clothes, footwear as well as the lack of random mechanical actions under motionless way of life in civilized conditions).
5. Gas and moisture exchange via lungs and skin surface. In view of great activity and sensitivity of gas exchange via lungs must be eliminated any essential deviations from molecular and ion composition of traditional atmospheric air of Earth surface in plant zone of habitation. More protected part of skin also is supposed to have a possibility of gas-moisture exchange regardless of wearing clothes, shoes and staying inside.
Returning to the goal of our presentation we can say, that everything that comes out of the scope of the above conditions must be applied carefully under permanent and long time control of results of action of one or the other factor.
In this connection preference is to be given to prophylaxis rather than widespread methods of shock therapy. Moreover, the above conditions, in their essence, are involved in prophylaxis so much spoken about.
The concept of health is directly connected with natural life expectancy. Thereby these concepts in analytical description can be considered in parallel. Since the concepts of happiness, health and life expectancy are the indices of real process we make use of the corresponding general expression (9) for determining the time of real process (see section 2.5):
Calculation of “health time”
“Health formula” can be received on the ground of concretization of a basic dependence in the system organism – environment (15). In this case we can put:
where tз is the time (duration) of a human being’s stay in a health zone; Rs – properties of a dividing zone on the contact of a human being and environment (e.g., clothes, dwelling, protection and industrial means etc.); ΔC0 – adaptive properties of a human being, i.e. sui generic safety factor of organism staying in alien environment; f(П, В, У) – factors influencing the process of interaction of nature, type and conditions of interaction.
This implies the fact, that health and life expectancy with the permanent “safety margin” ΔC0 grow in direct proportion to resistance of separation zone and in inverse proportion to the difference of state levels of a human being and an environment.
Practically ΔC0 and N0 can not be adjusted by a man and one can provide a real health and increase life expectancy by enlarging the resistance of separation zone (see section 1.2). We cannot decrease or increase a natural temperature of a human or his tolerance to radiation, but with the help of corresponding training one can essentially expand adaptation possibilities of a human to some environmental indices. On the other hand, by detraining (comfort) it is possible to increase automatically N0 which in its turn is to be compensated by growing resistance Rs of separation zone.
Thus, on the one hand, the described results of investigation allow one to present specific recommendations concerning health and longevity and on the other hand, thousand years’ history of health concept and its organic connection with the basic concepts of TCS speak about its significance and practical value.