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1.3. Some important practical consequences of TCS

V. I. Melnikov

1. Any object or process can be exactly and unambiguously defined and described only within ACS; within RCS it can be approximately described. All RCS are the particular cases of ACS, different by the character of admissions.

2. Any part of one object can be reviewed as a separate research’s object existing and interacting with its CS.

3. Objects interaction can happen only when levels of its states are different. The absence of objects interaction is the consequence of equality of its relative levels or eternity of resistance of dividing zone.

4. Changing of object state can happen only in measure of equal and opposite state level of antiobject (or environment).

5. The notion of constant, unchangeable, steady, balanced, saved and independent within objects or processes lays in appearance of different types of RCS with the different level of admissions.

6. Level of balance for human being as an object or some of his/her system’s part can be interpreted as a comfort (and constancy) indicator of a human being or of his/her system.

7. Due to the fact that integrity of the object determines its certain persistence, degree of the object’s integrity is connected with the breadth of its existence range, i.e. range of maximum change of its anti-object (environment). The more object’s integrity, the greater range of environment change in which it can exist. This determines, e.g., viability of living organisms.

8. All ACS are equal and the processes of any nature in all ACS run identically as it’s possible to change the state of the objects and certain process only with the help of influence of some external factor; and this factor is absent in ACS (a rule for such systems).

9. Complete equality of all ACS means that they are equal; this can mathematically be presented as equality of zeroes of equation received from significant summand of any equation into one part.

10. The state of the object is the result of influence of former environments, that’s why the object can be defined in a certain way as the sum of actions of all former environments, reflexive representation of environments, the “history” of environments.

11. The equality of summary states of former environments of the object and present environment means the equality of object and environment, the absence of interaction and balance between them (СCS) (see paragraphs 2.7; 2.8; 2.9)

12. The complication of the object is the result of consecutive short-term influence of different environments without any principal changing of the object; it’s the particular case of the object “self-organization”. Inverted comas mean that in reality self-organization is the result of compulsory (mainly informational) influence of environment.

13. The similar environments form similar objects.

14. The real objects have plenty of particular states and its characteristics, types of interactions, balances, which can exist or run conjointly, simultaneously or in series.

15. In practice the real parameters of object states with certain approximation can be replaced by its characteristics, that means certain features (with the help of informational influence)

16. The information is the type of interaction between observer and observed object, when the informational actions over the observed object can be ignored. One-sidedness of the action of observed object over the observer can be possible if observer has special intensifying system, which allows transforming of very weak action of the object into powerful influence aimed at observer and its adequate behavior.

17. In each branch of science a lot of own special parameters of studied objects are developed, which in general correspond with main parameters of CCS and correlate with its structure in a complex.

18. Maximum level of CCS conceptions means that any general conceptions and categories of philosophy or any other science are particular cases of TCS conceptions and their content corresponds to particular restricted parts of the world.

19. Universality of ACS category can serve as a basis of its study and use as a general abstract universal initial element of the world, sui generic a sole principally invariable elementary particle, from which all the world’s objects are consisted, regardless of their nature and volumes (including physical elementary particles).