1.4. Characteristics of TCS conceptions
V. I. Melnikov
1. Due to the fact that all TCS conceptions include all acting elements and factors, they are maximum general conceptions and therefore can accurately describe any object.
Seemingly heterogeneous conceptions TCS information and content (e.g., referring to fields of nature, society and thinking) should be combined in order to set general parameters and general rules pertaining to behavior and to any random objects’ existence. It is not possible to attain without such a generalization. E.g., it is impossible to get a general direction or other general parameters of movement (e.g., differential pressure) of the whole turbulent flow basing on a thorough “exact” description of the motion of multidirectional isolated trickles of fluid or gas.
It is impossible to determine laws of behavior and in general laws of living object’s life by a scrupulous study of all its living cells. Or, as it has been mentioned above, it is impossible to determine configuration of the whole forest based on the information of configuration of separate leaves.
In particular it is impossible to determine general interaction’s direction of all complex systems and formations towards equilibrium between system and anti-system (or environment) basing on separate fragments’ study. It is also impossible to determine object’s state (including living object) as a certain aggregate of all its previous environments. Therefore it is impossible to elaborate criterion for selection of genuine factors required from the endless variety of contingent factors. In this case it will be impossible to formulate and determine and a general direction of the whole interaction process as a movement towards equilibrium. It is especially important in the case of the system “human being – environment” when lack of such a guiding line towards sum of previous environments condemns mankind to endless blind empirical exhaustive search for all possible options of environment’s effect such as nutrition, movement, physical or chemical environment area. Nevertheless a general guiding line of movement towards equilibrium immediately provides the answer: in order to get an equilibrium environment should not be changed, i.e. its constituent components should be the same as those of the time of formation of all human being’s systems (see cl.2.8).
By the way it is precisely these enormous odds that have made mankind to elaborate such generalized conceptions as life, health, happiness, as well as general scientific (and universal) conceptions as environment, population, nation, society etc. I.e. the level of generalization of conceptions used for the description of object’s definitions has to provide possibility to set the main laws of behavior and existence of a particular object. The suggested definitions of TCS provide such a possibility. Having cognized separate random fragments and not these entire laws, it is impossible to formulate a correct world outlook and to provide a real spiritual freedom and protection from imposed “strange” or false values (see “Happiness”, cl.2.7). At present state of TCS’s development it is only possible to determine direction of further studies.
A human being (as well as the other representatives of living world) is a thinking biological-physical and chemical as well as a sociological object. Due to this reason it is possible to accurately research, understand and describe it only with the help of conceptions and laws containing and considering all the above-mentioned in a general and complex way.
2. The conceptions object, anti-object, environment and generally any research object or system are conceptions reflecting all forms of action and interaction, and not geometric and spatial conceptions.
At the same the position in space of separate objects or their parts definitely influences their ability to interact and has to be considered by corresponding relationships. Due to the above-mentioned the parts of the exterior systems positioned close to or inside the object but not participating in the interaction process can be not a part of ACS, while distant environment’s parts can significantly influence the object’s state (e.g., informational).
3. ACS selected as a core of this study on the one hand provides absolute accuracy and determinancy of the result, and on the other hand reveals practical impossibility to determine the whole complex of the acting factors. In this case accuracy is guaranteed theoretically, while in practice a series of assumptions compensating for the lack of practically acting factors should be also considered; as the result the solution of a problem is approximated.
Nevertheless a researcher understands existence and potential possibility of an ideal solution. Should a closed system be selected as a base, the above-mentioned an opportunity is excluded completely. The exact solution can not even be suggested. Therefore the whole research’s logics is disturbed, in a similar way conceptions “zero” and “eternity” would warp all modern mathematics’ knowledge. In such a case many tasks would not have been set and therefore solved.
4. Selection of an absolute closed system as a proposed methodological conception is substantiated by a commonly known fact that fundamental models of reality’s description such as mathematical equation and grammatical sentence are also based on the closed system’s principle (see cl. 4.2; 4.4), as well as by the fact that it would not be possible to reveal the essence of such fundamental scientific and universal conceptions as existence, life, health, happiness in case the conception of a closed system is not used due to the fact that these equilibrium systems are a variety of a closed system.
The same refers to the complex of conceptions corresponding to the central conception of a closed system, e.g. such a conception as equilibrium level that attains a sense of all human being’s types of life comfort in a system human being-environment.
5. Due to the fact that traditional and modern philosophic conceptions and categories because of their speculative character, systematic dissociation and lack of unified directedness can not describe any object in a logical and systematic way, natural science is obliged to introduce its maximum general quantitative characteristics as required (e.g., energy, entropy). Conceptions and relationships of TCS, representing a logical continuation and generalization of a whole complex of exact and interrelated natural science’s conceptions, allow to research any object of any nature in a thoroughly, accurately and consistently.
No one philosophic conception as well as no one natural science’s theory or discipline contains a conception of ASC; this conception is the only one absolute system of coordinates, the only one system of reference in which any object can be researched and described. Correspondingly not any cognitive system lacking such system of reference is able to describe any random object and correspondingly solve any practical task in a logical way.
General philosophic concepts in theory should be a generalization of any particular natural science’s conceptions and should play a methodological role in solving problems of natural science. Though due to their speculative character, amorphism and intuitiveness they are not able to do this and therefore can not facilitate construction of a general consistent scientifically grounded picture of the world. As a result endless discussions on a primary nature of an idea (spirit) or a matter arise.
In this case TCS possesses a considerable advantage: being a theory of a higher level of generalization than philosophy, at the same time theoretically and logically it is accurate and consistent. Therefore it can fill in the vacuum that has arisen between philosophy and natural science, determinism and indeterminism and, per se, to become a general universal methodology of research in the both subjects. The time will show to which extent it will be able to do it.