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To the question of cultural appliment and chronology of Volodymyrivka Upper Paleolithic site

Kepin D.

Volodymyrivka Upper Paleolithic site (v. Volodymyrivka, Novoarkhangelsk district of Kirovograd region, the right bank of the river of Sinjukha, the left tributary of the river of South Bug), being situated on the boundary of the two economic-cultural zones of the development of the late paleolite – european glacial (north) and south (steppe), according to its material culture and character of its economy enters the north zone. This site is more closely to the monuments of Forest-steppe Pridniprovja territory; Mezhyrich, Dobranichyvka, Gintsy than to the monuments of Pobuzhye.

On the basis of typological-statistical analysis of flint elements having been held, author as a matter for discussion suggest to consider 5-1 cultural layers of Volodymyrivka to be Upper Paleolithic culture of Mezhyirich, where 2 and 1 layers give us a possibility of being compared as to time with the upper layer of Gintsy.

Not numerous Aurignacian elements which are in 4 and 3 cultural layers of Volodymyrivka site (core-shaped scrapers and core- shaped burins) are analogous to the upper layer of Vorona 3, which is situated in Dniprovske Nadporozhye. Probably this points to availability of intercommunal connections.

In conclusion the author raise the question as to whether Volodymyrivka late paleolithic site may be regarded to middledniprovski ethno-cultural region of the development of late paleolithic culture.