2nd quarter 2014
30 Jun 2014 New story by G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko
The first part of the story "Gannusja" (1832) is now published.
Actually, I did not have the basic necessities, besides the wedding dress. Ways of life no, because her husband kept officers salaries, loans his money to get married.
28 Jun 2014 New historical source
We continue publishing descriptions of documents of Kremenec Provincial Court, published in 1959 – 1965. Today – books for 1618 – 1625 years.
Note on non-appearance in court heirs of Mr Adam Khomyak Smordovsky to parse the case of the seizure of Ms. Zofia Chomiak Smordovska blank documents on the estate.
26 Jun 2014 New monograph on Kyiv
Photo gallery of Kyiv islands and coastal tracts on the Dnipro is replenished with 10 photos. |
24 Jun 2014 New novel by Mykhajlo Starycky
We continue publishing historical novel by Mikhail Staritsky «Last eagles» (1901). Today – the next 5 chapters.
Once again I say that not for the sake of friendship, not for profit, I do not deny my sacred duty to the fatherland, and give my life for her, until the last drop of blood…
22 Jun 2014 New novel by Zinaida Tulub
We begin to publish a novel by Zinaida Tulub "In the vast steppes beyond the Ural". Today – the first 6 chapters, including "6. Visiting Gern".
The future looked into his eyes with his awful everyday life and thought that a quarter century – the one infinite period of military service – he will wear this uniform, his forehead covered with cold sweat.
20 Jun 2014 New story by V. Zlotopolets
We begin to publish historical story by Val. Zlotopolets "Son of Ukraine" (1919). Today – "1. Combating against slavery".
1. Against the enemy! / 2. Ukrainian Calvary / 3. On turkish galleys / 4. In captivity in Tanger / 5. Escape from captivity / 6. Ship destruction and Ukrainian chevallerie.
18 Jun 2014 New novel by Mykola Lazorsky
We start publishing historical novel "Patriot" (1969) by Mykola Lazorsky. Today – "1. Poltava defeat".
1., Philip Orlik in Poltava / 2. Small Orlja wonders of the guests / 3. Meeting at Hertsyk / 4. Hetman Mazepa's Death / 5. Tatar raids on the Orlik's camp.
16 Jun 2014 New rhymes by Nocholas Kostomarov
The first 8 rhymes from the collection «Ukrainian ballads» (1839) by N. I. Kostomarov are now published.
14 Jun 2014 New novel by Daniel Mordovtsev
We finish publishing historical novel «Tsar and hetman» (1880) by Daniel Mordovtsev. Today – last 5 chapters.
When the coffin would have lowered the crypt Motrja went quickly to the last and eternal Hetman's place, clasped her hands and cried out with a groan: "Dad! Dad! Take me with you…"
12 Jun 2014 New historical source
We begin to publish "Parish registers of two parishes: settlements Buyanska and Popelnasta 1770-1782". Today – "1. Birth records."
Book of Pereyaslav diocese Krest-Kamyansk decanate suburb of Boyan Church of the Holy John the Evangelist priest Simeon Revutskiy recorded with the clerk who and when were born.
10 Jun 2014 New book on Kyiv
We continue pubication of the "Guide for Kyiv" (1918) by K. V. Shyrocky. Today – next 16 sections, including "Brotherhood monastery."
Title brotherly monastery indicates that it belonged to the brotherhood. Brotherhood – this is a common form of social organization in the old Ukraine.
8 Jun 2014 New article by Dmytro Dontsov
The article "Shevchenko' testament" (1950) by Dmytro Dontsov is published.
Will study his testament! Testament the one who punished, tortured but has repented! Testament of the old heroic – a terrible for enemies – Ukraine!
6 Jun 2014 New verses by J.Fedkovich
We offer readers the first part of the "Songbook for peasants children" by Ju. Fedkovych (1869).
4 Jun 2014 New chapter from «Ljudolovy (Kidnappers)» novel
Continued publishing historical novel "Ljudolovy (Kidnappers)" by Zynaida Tulub. Today – the chapter "In the labyrinth of the Seraglio."
Nastja becoming sultan's wife, seeks for activity and power. With help of Hasan she removes from the road Nazli-khanum… Grand Vizier gifted Nastja slave girl from Lebanon. She tells Nastja their wandering and rebellion Fakhr ed-Din against the Turks… Hassan explains Nastja that the brothers of the Sultan, not her son could inherit the power of the Sultan… Lebanese slave (as prompted by Nastja) tells sultan about their suffering. Found guilty Kizlyaraga Mustafa, who was sentenced to death… Nastja acting proxy, is seeking the death penalty for Mohammed – the brother of the Sultan, whom she suspects of intending to seize the throne…
2 Jun 2014 New monograph on history
We continue publication of monograph "Cossack Ukraine of 16 – 18 centuries in the French historical studies" by E. Lunjak. Today – "3. "The country of the Cossacks" in French historical literature of the second half of the seventeenth century".
3.2. Past of Ukraine in the essays by Jean Le Labourer of Russia and Cossacks / 3.3. Showing the historical aspect of the Beauplan's "Description of Ukraine".
30 May 2014 New about Chornobyl disaster
The collection of documents "Chornobyl disaster in the distorting mirror of the Communist press" is now continued. Today – posts from 21st to 29th November 1986.
In the Chernobyl accident, there is another side. It showed us how dangerous the slightest carelessness in handling even the peaceful atom.
28 May 2014 New novel by Ulas Samchuk
We begin publishing novel by Ulas Samchuk "Maria" (1933). Today – "The book of Maria's birth."
1. Birth of Maria / 2. Maria – orphan / 3. Maiden Maria's days / 4. Love with Korney / 5. Gnat make approaches toMaria / 6. Gnat reflects on Maria / 7. Gnat runs from evening session.
26 May 2014 New book on Kyiv
We continue publication of the book "Ancient Kyiv, vol. 1" (1958) by M. K. Karger. Today – "9. Dating of Kiev necropolis. The problem of ethnicity in burials under mounds log cabins."
Study of Kiev necropolis burial inventory leads to the conclusion that the richest composition inventory burial date back from the middle to the end of the tenth century.
24 May 2014 New rhymes by Bogdan Igor Antonych
We continue publishing the second collection of poems by Bogdan Igor Antonych – "Three seal-rings" (1934). Today – the next 10 verses.
22 May 2014 New rhymes by Stepan Rudansky
The publication of a series of apocryphal legends "Fable of the world" is finished. Today – "Fifth sought. (God on earth)."
20 May 2014 New novel by A. Kaschenko
We finish to publish historical novel by A. Kashchenko "In the heat of battle." Today – the last 6 chapters.
To die would be here, at the point where I have experienced the greatest joy! – Fell on the head of a Cossack. – And how nice it was not to give the enemy mock over my torment and celebrate my publicly torture!..
18 May 2014 New folklore recordings by Dniprova Chajka
We continue to publish folklore records by Dniprova Chajka. Today – "Chumak songs".
16 May 2014 New articles by Mykola Khvylovy
In the section "Articles on literature" published two earlier articles by M. Khvylovy, including "Art material in the "New Ukraine" (1923).
Consider artistic material in the "New Ukraine", where young people are grouped under the direct supervision of Vynnychenko and Oles'.
14 May 2014 New comedy by G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko
Publish the comedy by G.F.Kvitka-Osnovjanenko "Clairvoyant" (1830).
One is relaxed, other – solid piety, and almost begging takes all for the poor. I almost believe that she stole the ring.
12 May 2014 New historical source
We continue publishing descriptions of documents of Kremenec Provincial Court, published in 1959 – 1965. Today – books for 1616 – 1617 years.
Confessions of official Volyn province Gregory Plotnycky on the transfer of estate Volytsya Zaleskaya from Mr. Hieronim Yalovytsky to Mr. Rafal Svirsky.
10 May 2014 New monograph on Kyiv
The 9 chapters of monograph «Kyiv islands» by I. Ju. Parnikoza is now published, including «1.10. Animals».
This chapter contains description of the fauna of the valley of the Dnieper in Kiev. Summary data on invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Characterize some typical representatives of these groups, which visitors can meet the floodplain during the tour.
8 May 2014 New novel by Mykhajlo Starycky
We continue publishing historical novel by Mikhail Staritsky «Last eagles» (1901). Today – the next 5 chapters.
So you do not disdain to be my wife? Queen, goddess of mine! I'll throw you the whole of Poland to your feet, and free Ukraine twine a wreath of happiness for us!..
6 May 2014 New novel by Mykola Lazorsky
We finish publishing historical novel "Steppe flower" by Mykola Lazorsky. Today – "12. Towards a new struggle."
1. Union between Poland and Lithuania / 2. Oksana – Superior in Nekhvoroscha / 3. Troubles of serfs / 4. Krzysztof Kosinski / 5. Severin Nalyvayko / 6. Nalyvaiko was burned in the bull.
4 May 2014 New novel by Daniel Mordovtsev
May 3 (yesterday) May 4 (today), 2014 – in the Ukraine national mourning for the dead heroes of struggle for independence and for victims in Odesa.
We continue publishing historical novel «Tsar and hetman» (1880) by Daniel Mordovtsev. Today – next 6 chapters.
I want to be new Tamerlane for Moscow and I will! I will not allow Peter to dispose in my ancestral lands.
2 May 2014 New book on Kyiv
We continue pubication of the "Guide for Kyiv" (1918) by K. V. Shyrocky. Today – next 9 sections, including "Vladimir's Hill."
On the lower terrace situated monument for prince Vladimir (in 1853), gave its name to the hill itself. It is made on the draft of Klodt; designed for impressiveness and effect, but not beautiful.
30 Apr 2014 New article by Dmytro Dontsov
The third part of article "Where to find our historical traditions" (1938) by Dmytro Dontsov is published.
Who complains about the circumstances that awaits the salvation of miracles. Who blames himself, he will look for salvation in his own psychic regeneration, in his own mental withdrawal.
28 Apr 2014 New on Bald hill in Kyiv
Photo gallery of Bald hill in Kyiv is replenished with 13 photos of the plants and vegetation in the tract. |
26 Apr 2014 New verses by J.Fedkovich
We offer readers 10 verses by J.Fedkovich from collection «Thoughts and songs» (1862).
24 Apr 2014 New chapter from «Ljudolovy (Kidnappers)» novel
Continued publishing historical novel "Ljudolovy (Kidnappers)" by Zynaida Tulub. Today – the chapter "Journey to Radomyshl."
Sahaidachny with Pletenetskiy go to Radomyshl. Pletenetsky develops plans – how to save Ruthenian faith and return mace to Sagaydachny. Pletenetsky brutally crushes with his peasants who dared to rebel… Pletenetsky develops before Sahaidachny idea of ordination Orthodox bishops. He considers that under protection of the Sagajdachny's Cossacks it will be possible… Pletenetsky shows Sagaydachny its paper fabric which produce various kinds of paper… Pletenetsky shows Sahaidachny pit bottom. Blacksmith forges a new sword and gives it Sagaydachny…
22 Apr 2014 New monograph on history
We continue publication of monograph "Cossack Ukraine of 16 – 18 centuries in the French historical studies" by E. Lunjak. Today – "2. Historical evolution of ideas about Ukraine before the middle of the seventeenth century and establishment of cossack theme in French historiography".
2. 2. Fabulousness and the extreme element in the perception of Ukrainian lands by French authors sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
20 Apr 2014 New about Chornobyl disaster
The collection of documents "Chornobyl disaster in the distorting mirror of the Communist press" is now continued. Today – posts from 11th to 20th November 1986.
Another striking manifestation of our fraternity becomes a city, that in record time – two years – will rise between Dnieper and Desna. His name is now probably already know many – Slavutich.
18 Apr 2014 Notes by Ulas Samchuk
We finish publishing diary notes by Ulas Samchuk "DiPi Planet" (1979). Today – the section "1948."
When you do not look to the pages of this inspired enthusiast how was this DP–Camp collection "Arch", you do not understand missionary force of our persecuted words in its actions.
16 Apr 2014 New book on Kyiv
We continue publication of the book "Ancient Kyiv, vol. 1" (1958) by M. K. Karger. Today – "5. Odinary burials (cremations) of Kiev necropolis".
As will be shown below, even during archaeological excavations of significant complexes finds of cremations were sometimes misunderstood.
14 Apr 2014 New rhymes by Bogdan Igor Antonych
We start publishing the second collection of poems by Bogdan Igor Antonych – "Three seal-rings" (1934). Today – the first 10 verses.
12 Apr 2014 New rhymes by Stepan Rudansky
The next 10 anecdotes by Stepan Rudansky published.
10 Apr 2014 New novel by A. Kaschenko
We continue to publish historical novel by A. Kashchenko "In the heat of battle." Today – the next 5 chapters.
And now here, when Bogdan beat the Poles and scrape out them from Ukraine, as manure from a wounded body… now all become smarter than him. Now Bogdan became traitor!..
8 Apr 2014 New folklore recordings by Dniprova Chajka
We continue to publish folklore records by Dniprova Chajka. Today – "Cossack songs".
6 Apr 2014 New on Mykola Khvylovyj
The M. Khvylovyj's gallery replenished with 5 group and personal photos of 1924 – 1926. |
4 Apr 2014 New about G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko
The G.Kvitka-Osnovianenko's gallery replenished with views of Kharkiv contemporary to writer's life. |
2 Apr 2014 New historical source
We continue publishing descriptions of documents of Kremenec Provincial Court, published in 1959 – 1965. Today – books for 1612 – 1614 years.
Claim Mr Andrew Firley aginst Mr. Thomas Berezhetsky for assault with deliberately tipsy guests at house of his serf in Lower Berezhtsy.