3rd quarter 2015
30 Sep 2015 New book by Igor Olszewski
We publish essay by Igor Olszewski "Lesja Ukrainka, mystic of name and destiny" (2005).
In the field of researcher – religious and philosophical aspects Lesja Ukrainka, especially her dramatic fate, the relationship of the artist and her name – as a religious and literary.
28 Sep 2015 New story by Daniel Mordovtsev
We publish next 10 chapters of the story by D. L. Mordovets "For whose sins?"
Pink cheeks Zaira instantly covered with pallor. She like a wounded tiger jumped up from the carpet. Her eyes were burning. – Tell me everything you know! – she grabbed by the arm Habibullah.
26 Sep 2015 New rhymes by Eugene Grebinka
We publish next ten rhymes by E. Grebinka.
24 Sep 2015 New article by Igor Zinchul
Publish articles I. Zinchuk "I served nation by the word" (2015).
Roman Fedoriv is one of the brightest representatives of "fancy prose" because his creativity inherent in folk analogy parallel fairytale fiction.
22 Sep 2015 New book on Kyiv
We continue publication of the book "Ancient Kyiv, vol. 1" (1958) by M. K. Karger. Today – the next 10 tables. |
20 Sep 2015 New rhymes by Bogdan Igor Antonych
We publish a fourth collection of poems by Bohdan-Ihor Antonych – "Rotation" (1938).
Rotation / Cities and muse / Spring / Verbel / Ballad of alley / Forever / Ballad of blue death.
18 Sep 2015 New anecdotes by S. Rudansky
Wu publish nest 10 anecdotes by S. Rudansky, including "Death of Cossack".
16 Sep 2015 New work by A. Kaschenko
We continue publishing "The story of the glorious Zaporozhian Host" (1917). Today – "2. The struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the Poland (1590 – 1649 years)".
Loboda and Nalyvayko / Samiylo Kishka (second hetman cadence) / Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny / Marine hiking 1621-1624 years / Taras Tryasylo. Petrazhitsky-Kulaga.
14 Sep 2015 New works by Dniprova Chajka
We publish translations by Dniprova Chajka, including poem "Mtsyri" by M. Lermontov.
12 Sep 2015 New article by Mykola Khvylovy
The article "On demagogic water or Valid address of Ukrainian voronschynf, free competition, VUAN and so on."
The writer should know all reasonable literature, and let it be reactionary. A push much it can only Zerov. Only then will be before him the real writer horizon.
10 Sep 2015 New poem by Yuri Dyachuk
We continue to publish a poem Yuri Dyachuk "Veremiya (Word about Hetman Mazepa)." Today – the next 9 chapters.
8 Sep 2015 New article by G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko
The article «About Kharkiv and county-level cities of Kharkiv province» (1838) is now published.
City Kharkiv / Kharkiv Trade and crafts / School in Kharkiv / Kharkiv University / Institute for Noble Maidens in Kharkiv / Visits highest personages in Kharkiv.
6 Sep 2015 New monograph on Kyiv
Photo gallery of vegetation Kyiv islands and coastal tracts on the Dnipro is replenished with 10 photos. |
4 Sep 2015 New about I. Kotliarevsky
I. Kotliarevsky's gallery now replinished with autographs and editions, including first page of autograph "Moskal wizard" (1819). |
2 Sep 2015 New novel by Mykhajlo Starycky
We continue publishing historical novel by Mikhail Staritsky and Ljudmila Starytska-Chernjakhivska «Bogdan Khmelnycky» (1894 – 1897). Today – next 10 chapters, including «20. Complaint Sylvester Kosov at the diet».
Highborn rulers of our destinies – spoke again Kosov, – you are now spoken to us, the faithful, humiliating and degrading word of blasphemy, and the word has given us from brotherly union.
30 Aug 2015 New novel by Mykola Lazorsky
We continue publishing historical novel "Patriot" (1969) by Mykola Lazorsky. Today – «9. Come back to France».
1. Orlik in Stanislav / 2. Attack of Muscovites / 3. Back to Luneville / 4. Grigor consults with mother / 5. Grigor visiting Dinteville.
28 Aug 2015 New about Nicholas Kostomarov
Published article «Literary creativity of Nicholas Kostomarov» by V. L. Smiljanska (1990).
Early poetry / Dramatic works / In Cyril and Methodius society / In exile / In St. Petersburg / Ukrainophilism / Tales of 1870-ies / Novel "Kudeyar."
26 Aug 2015 New verses by P. Gulak-Artemovski
We publish the next 10 poems by Peter Gulak-Artemovski, including «In famous Poltava city».
24 Aug 2015 New articles by Dmytro Dontsov
We continue publishing collection "Moscow poison" (1955). Today – next 5 articles, including «Проти антихриста – знак хреста».
Ukraine is facing a great mission, mission of the sustained fight with barbarism from the East, with its "power of darkness" at the bottom and "darkness of power" on the top.
22 Aug 2015 New book on history
We continue publish book "Historian and style" by Alexei Jas (2014). Today – «Section II. Late Enlightenment historiography and origins of Romanticism (D. Bantysh-Kamensky, M. Markevich)».
2.2. "History of Little Russia" by D. Bantysh-Kamensky and its construction / 2.4. M. Markevich as a transitional type of historian / 2.5. Architectonics of "History of Malorossia" by M. Markevich.
20 Aug 2015 New verses by J.Fedkovich
We offer readers the following 9 poems from the collection "Thoughts and songs" (1862).
18 Aug 2015 New about I. Vahylevych
Today we offer readers the article "Ivan Vahylevych" by J. Romanchuk (1913).
Vahylevych was clever and diligent man of nimble mind and exuberant imagination, besides the same passionate, restless and shaky.
16 Aug 2015 New monograph on history
We continue publication of monograph "Cossack Ukraine of 16 – 18 centuries in the French historical studies" by E. Lunjak. Today – «5. 3. "History of the Cossacks" by Charles-Louis Lesur a compendium French cossack studies early 19th century».
History writing of Lesur's book / Sources of Lesur's work / Ancient History / Early Cossacks / War against Poland / Khmelnycky's uprising / Pereyaslav Council and its consequences.
14 Aug 2015 New article on historical geography
The article «Crimea and Azov Sea on the map by Giovanni da Carignano beginning of the XIV century» (2015) by T. Gedz is published.
The article is considered little-known outlines of Crimea and the Azov Sea on a map of Giovanni da Carignano, beginning of the XIV century.
12 Aug 2015 New works by J. Holovatsky
Published 7 folklorea and literature articles by J. Holovatsky, including «Words of greetings, blessings, courtesy and complaisance in Ukrainian».
I think there is no people, so rich in words of courtesy and complaisance as Slovenian people and especially the Ukrainians.
10 Aug 2015 New about Chornobyl disaster
The collection of documents "Chornobyl disaster in the distorting mirror of the Communist press" is now continued. Today – posts from 13th to 20th February 1987.
Something to hide, there are people who believe that it is time to forget about Chernobyl, they say, have better things to do, why should always remember the tragedy?!
8 Aug 2015 New works by Markian Shashkevych
We publish fables by Markian Shashkevych for children's reading.
Do not exalt and proud of someone else merit and not appropriates someone else's praise, because sooner or later people will notice and you will be ashamed.
6 Aug 2015 New story by Daniel Mordovtsev
We publish first 10 chapters of the story by D. L. Mordovets "For whose sins?"
Pray to God, Athanasius Lavrentich – continued clerk – your son – in Venice City… He in good health… Bow down to you sent.
4 Aug 2015 New fables by Eugene Grebinka
We publish next eight fables by E. Grebinka.
2 Aug 2015 New novel by Ulas Samchuk
We publish a second half of novel by Ulas Samchuk "Youth of Vasyl Sheremeta" (1946).
He would again fall to her knees. She stood before him as the Queen, who said his servant, padding and fall prostrate! She have reasonable, clear eyes. Her forehead high and pure. On her blond hair – diadem.
30 Jul 2015 New book on Kyiv
We continue publication of the book "Ancient Kyiv, vol. 1" (1958) by M. K. Karger. Today – "Handicraft".
2. Blacksmithing / 3. "Smiths gold, silver and copper" / Glassmaking 4. / 5. Pottery / 6. Processing of wood, bone and stone / 7. Leather processing, weaving and tailoring.
28 Jul 2015 New rhymes by Bogdan Igor Antonych
We continue to publish a third collection of poems by Bohdan-Ihor Antonych – "The Book of the Lion" (1936). Today – «Third chapter».
Word to shot / Word of the black regiment / Word of the gold regiment / Word of the Alcazar / Lullaby / The three ways / Banner in the dust / Word of the infantry regiment
26 Jul 2015 New folklore recordings by S. Rudansky
Wu publish recording «Wedding on Podillja» (1861).
24 Jul 2015 New story by A. Kaschenko
The story "Strugglers for truth" (1913) is now continued to publish. Today – next 9 chapters.
Marina has seen a dead body in him and had no strength to even look him in the eye. In the great tension of nerves she barely wait until khan smoked two hookahs.
22 Jul 2015 New works by Dniprova Chajka
We publish works for children by Dniprova Chajka.
Drops-travelers / Tale of the Sun and his son / Beet / Goat-dereza / Winter and Spring or Snow Queen / Mr. Kocky / Farewell to Snowman Snihurovych.
20 Jul 2015 New novel by Mykola Khvylovy
"The novel about sanatorium zone" now published (1924, first part).
Our resort is divided into two camps: the plebeians and intellectuals. The host always – sometimes silent, sometimes stubborn antagonism. There is no another classification here.
18 Jul 2015 New poem by Yuri Dyachuk
We begin to publish a poem Yuri Dyachuk "Veremiya (Word about Hetman Mazepa)." Today – the first 9 chapters.
16 Jul 2015 New comedy by G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko
The comedy "Shelmenko – batman" (1834) is now published.
Money, Your Honor! I loved, love and will love until, being will die. And my father and mother, and wife, and children, and all my seed for them would give! and there is nothing in the world and no one is better, as money.
14 Jul 2015 New article on history of culture
The article by S. Shakula "Film "Escape" – 45 years!".
Poetic and philosophical film "Escape" tells of the birth of a new world on the ruins of the old Russian-imperial ideology.
12 Jul 2015 New monograph on Kyiv
Photo gallery of Kyiv islands and coastal tracts on the Dnipro is replenished with 10 photos. |
10 Jul 2015 New about I. Kotliarevsky
Today we publish letters by I. Kotliarevsky.
8 Jul 2015 New novel by Mykhajlo Starycky
We continue publishing historical novel by Mikhail Staritsky and Ljudmila Starytska-Chernjakhivska «Bogdan Khmelnycky» (1894 – 1897). Today – next 10 chapters, including "10. A second attempt at Khmelnitsky."
Hyde! – Now shouted loudly Bogdan. – Crumble them into the cabbage! – and raced as storm toward the enemy. But at that moment a terrible hammer blow on the head stunned him.
6 Jul 2015 New novel by Mykola Lazorsky
We continue publishing historical novel "Patriot" (1969) by Mykola Lazorsky. Today – "8. What Orlik saw in Ukraine."
4. Grigor Orlyk and priesta Paisij / 5. Orlik and Mirovich in Nekhvoroscha / 6. Russians are looking for Orlyk / 7. Orlik in Poltava / 8. Orlik with Mirovich go to Sich / 9. Orlik's talk in the Sich.
4 Jul 2015 New works by Nicholas Kostomarov
Published poetic translations by Nicholas Kostomarov (1830-40 -ies.)
2 Jul 2015 New historical source
We finish publishing "Parish registers of two parishes: settlements Buyanska and Popelnasta 1770-1782". Today – "A fragment of the map 1983".