Kremenchug from foundation to 1764
Vyrsky D.S.

Bibliographic description of the hard copy edition : Вирський Д.С. Українне місто:
Кременчук від заснування до 1764 р.
– К. : 2004 р. – 436 c.
Dedicated for my ancestors -
Cossacks of Kremenchug squadron
Vyrsky Dmitry S. – Ph.D. in History, Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Ukrainian Historiography History of Ukraine.
Scientific Editor: doctor J.A. Pinchuk
doctor O.I. Gurzhiy
doctor V.M. Horobets
doctor V.V. Kravchenko
The book is an attempt to present history of Kremenchuk and its districts from the foundation (a process which stretched almost a century since the mid sixteenth century to 1630-st) up to the time of elimination here Cossack administration and subordination most of Kremenchug district to Novorossiysk province in 1764. The focus of the researcher stayed on the fate of local communities, local heritage border of Cossack Ukraine, its impact on urban development and united around the edge.
In 2007 the author gave the book to be published on the site "Myslene drevo", for which we express our deep appreciation to him.
Ukrainian conquista: competition with wild field (industrial, sacred center and "metropolia")
Kings of the border: princes Vyshnevetski
"The sons of Crown": the magnates and gentry
Plebeian warriors: stepchilds of Crown
Cossack wars in Kremenchug disctrict
Brothers In Arms: Battle at the Pyvsky mountains
Kremenchug primrose: Cossack Revolution and the Ruin (1648-1687)
Outskirts of the city: from squadron to a regiment
Called by the Revolution: Great Hetman conscripts
The potential of cities and regional perspectives
"The people-army": the regimental-centesimal system
Agony of the gentry and illusory Starostvo
Yuras Khmelnitsky. Hope for unity and break at the Dnipro
Teteria and Bryukhovetsky: conservatism against populism
The war of all against all. Bitter taste of "alien righteousness"
Doroshenko: wrestling with fate
Chygyryn's War: grief to glory
At the edge of colonization: the competition of civilizers (end of XVII – 1764)
Again the border: security, Cossacks, foreigners
"Blood and iron": Peter 1 wars and Mazepintsy in Kremenchug district
Visible state: the border and the fortress
Restoration of the Right Bank: the Cossacks and the nobility again
"Dj Vu" of the Rzeczpospolita: haidamaks and Russians
People of the "White King": imperial colonization of the settlement
Horizons of material civilization
Chimeric image of Kremenchug society
Agro-Urban: overall state of towns in Hetmanate
Path-adventurer: local transport and shopping artery
Knights of business: Kremenchug chumaks
"Southern" regiment, "coastal" squadron
"Manner and even a vegetable garden right"
1. City privileges in Kremenchug district (XVII century).
2. Acts on the provision and purchase of estates in Kremenchug (17 – 18 century).
3. Registers and computs of cossack squadrons (mid 17 – 1st Quarter 18 cent.)
Revision of Kremenchug squadron in Myrhorod regiment
Registry of Kremenchug squadron
Revision of Kremenchug squadron in Myrhorod regiment