Life and creativity of Lev Gumilev
Zharkikh N.I.
Kiev 2004
This work began in 1996 and lasted quite briskly until the end of 1997, when were written the first 11 author's sheets. After this becane big break – until 2003. I justify the fact that did not sit idly: for this time began and ended with the publication of Bibliography of old Ukraine", which took some time (200 author's sheets of in a single day will not do), launched into orbit program Myslene drevo" (which is also 100 author's sheets of only the text of the program, and how much effort required to debug a program – that none of the non-programmer does not understand: ""). Now I decided to take a break from programming and do something easier, such as science. And with that I started the second route of this work. Some sections that were written in 1997, and that I like now, I did not bother to update it.
Become more difficult to deal with the work title. I originally called it the "Laws by Lev Gumilev". Then, in order to make the name more transparent and understandable, proposed options "Ethnogenetic laws by Lev Gumilev, "Lev Gumilev and the laws of ethnogenesis", "Lev Gumilev or Laws of ethnogenesis," "Or Lev Gumilev – or the laws of ethnogenesis." Finally, all these options were rejected, and I decided to divide the work into two parts. The first, devoted to Lev Gumilev, now before you. Second, dedicated to my argument about the legality of ethnogenesis, now ponder and – inshallah! – will once written.
Biographical information on L.N.Gumilev
Characteristic of Gumilev's scientific activity
Scientific activity of Gumilev
Publishing fate of Gumilev's works
The sequence of formation of the theory of ethnogenesis
Public response for works of Gumilev
Comments on specific historical works
Opening and closing of Khazaria
Self-deception and attempts to overcome it
The concept of relations of Russia and the Golden Horde
Comments on the general theory of ethnogenesis
False accusations of anti-Semitism
Misunderstanding of the theory of Gumilev
The question of plagiarism by Y.V. Bromley
Series of historical novels by D.M. Balashov
Author's response to comments on his works
Legend of the Marxist nature of ethnogenesis theory
Legend of the geographical nature of ethnogenesis theory
Non-simultaneity moisture Eurasia
Oscillations of the Caspian sea level
Influence of climate fluctuations to landscape areas
Climate fluctuations and movements of nomads
"Twin-track" by Gumilev and the modern understanding of old mongolian religion
Eternal aggressiveness of China
When L.N.Gumilev's books were written
Scientific and popular scientific works, 1949 – 1969 years
Scientific and popular scientific works, 1970 – 1987 years
Scientific and popular scientific works, 1988 – 1998 years
Newspaper articles and interviews
The invasion of Batu and Mamai to Russia in the representation of V.A. Chivilihin
Preliminary observations on the properties of the author's outlook
The image of the inquisitive reader
V.A. Chivilihin on popularization of the history
V.A. Chivilihin on Russian historiography
Slavophilism of V.A. Chivilihin
V.A. Chivilihin about the good qualities of the Russian people and the bad qualities of the Mongols
V.A. Chivilihin on ethnogenesis
The main features of V.A. Chivilihin's views on history
V.A. Chivilihin on the properties of the empire of Genghis Khan
V.A. Chivilihin on the properties of the Jurchen state
V.A. Chivilihin on the military art of the Mongols
V.A. Chivilihin on unproven accusations
Prospective well-intentioned V.A. Chivilihin
V.A. Chivilihin about lost victories
V.A. Chivilihin on the causes of Horde's victories and defeats of Russian
V.A. Chivilihin on the causes of the Mongol invasion
V.A. Chivilihin on the role of personality in history
V.A. Chivilihin on the properties of the Golden Horde and Golden Horde-Russian alliance
V.A. Chivilihin on the properties of the Mamai's troops